Your Perfect Hair Routine

Flex on ‘Em: Why You Should Be Using Flexirods This Spring

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Flex on ‘Em: Why You Should Be Using Flexirods This Spring

I think it’s safe to say that this time of year is when we like to get a little cuter than usual. We got Easter, Memorial Day, and 4th of July coming back to back which means that our hair needs to look fabulous. Apart from Christmas and Thanksgiving, this is that time of year where it is perfectly acceptable to be “extra”. You may be searching the blogs and IG to figure out what your next hair move is.  Want to know about a little hair styling tool you can use to get some cute curls? Flexirods. I’m sure you may have seen then pop up on someone’s Youtube Channel at one time or another, but do you really know how to best use them to your advantage? Keep reading to find out why you should use flexirods with your hair regardless of hair type.



Reason #1 Flexirods come in different sizes

One thing that you may not have realized is that flexirods come in different shapes and sizes which makes it easier to get different looks. Just like with any set of curlers, the smaller the circumference of the rod, the smaller the curls will be once you take them down. Another nice thing about flexirods is that you can use one larger size to do your entire head quickly, then just separate the curls if you want them to be smaller. Convenience is key!



Reason # 2 Flexirods don’t hurt when you put them in

This may be the biggest benefit to using flexirods. There is virtually no pain when you’re trying to work with flexirods which is a huge plus in my book. Unlike perm rods which have the potential to smack you in the back of the head or regular rollers which hurt when you pull them too tight or try to sleep, flexirods have a foam-like feel to them which makes them much more comfortable.


Reason #3 Using Flexirods doesn’t need product

Now, in my experience, as long as the hair that I’m putting the flexirods in is straight or wavy, you will not need to use any hardcore product. As a matter of fact, just mix a little Leave-In Conditioner with water and spray a little bit onto your hair after you put in your rollers. You’ll be surprised at how bouncy your curls come out. On the other hand, if you’re naturally curly, you will need something to make your hair a bit smoother going onto the rod.


Reason #4 Flexirods can give you any type of curl

Whether you’re looking for big juicy curls or small ringlets, you can achieve any look you want to with your flexirods. The key is to pick a color that matches the circumference of what you’re trying to achieve. If you’re feeling really festive, you can use more than one size at a time to get a messy look. Either way, you will look cute. Trust me.



Reason #5 You don’t need a lot of flexirods to get a hairstyle

The final reason that you should be using flexirods is because they do not require you to use a lot of them. Because they are so long, you can literally— depending on the thickness of your hair— use about 6 of them to get a head full of curls. I’ve been able to use 6 of the purple ones before to get big movie star curls. Yes, I said movie star because I felt glamorous. You would to if your curls were popping the way those flexirods made my hair pop!


How often do you use flexirods for your hairstyles? Tell us about it in the comments!


Written by Bianca Scott


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