Which Shedavi Products Should I Use? Let's Talk.

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Which Shedavi Products Should I Use? Let's Talk.

 First, we just want to say thank you for rocking with us for all these years. It’s because of people like you who enjoy our products that have allowed us to grow and create even more ways to help you grow long, healthy tresses. With all of our options in the Shedavi catalog, you may be wondering which product is best for you. The short answer: it depends on what your hair needs are. Take a look below at the top 7 most common hair concerns and which products are best to address those issues.


Hair Issue #1: My hair is dry and breaks off easily.

If you find your hair breaking off, then the issue is probably that your hair is malnourished and doesn’t contain enough moisture. You can’t go wrong with any of the Shedavi products if you’re needing to stop breakage. Gently cleanse and revitalize your hair with the Shedavi Crowned Moisturizing Shampoo and Moisturizing Conditioner. Use the Shedavi Crowned CoWash in between shampoo days to add more moisture to your tresses. Use the Shedavi Elixir to help retain the moisture.


Hair Issue #2: My scalp is flaky and itchy.

While some scalp issues can be hereditary, other times it can be prevented. The Elixir is your best option because it contains several natural oils and nutrients that are meant to fortify the hair and moisturize your scalp without leaving it greasy.


Hair Issue #3: My hair doesn’t grow.

If your hair isn’t growing, then you need to find subtle ways to stimulate your follicles while also ensuring that the hair that is coming out is as healthy as possible. Using the Shedavi Vitamins and Shedavi Elixir together is a great way to start your healthy hair growth journey. While the vitamins will nourish your hair from the inside, the elixir will make sure that the strands outside the hair look and feel healthy.


Hair Issue #4: My hair is thin in some areas.

We have an entire bundle dedicated to promoting thicker, healthier hair. In the thinning hair bundle, you’ll find the Elixir, LENGTH₂O™ Aquaholic™ 5-in-1 Moisture Conditioner and Vitamins. Each and every one of these items will help you saturate your tresses and thicken up your hair.


Hair Issue #5: My hair always looks frizzy no matter what I do to it.

Some of your frizz is due to over manipulation of the hair. Other times, it’s because you need to upgrade your products. Only natural products like what you can find in our collection will make your hair look healthy while still maintaining a flawless style. Use the Crowned Wash + Go Gel to reduce frizz while adding definition. 

Hair Issue #6: My hair looks dull and lifeless.

If your hair looks dull, chances are it’s time for a deep conditioning treatment to add back that natural luster. Give your hair some extra love and use the Crowned Protein Masque to deep condition bringing life to dull hair.


Hair Issue #7: My hair is colored and is starting to look washed out or damaged.

I think we’ve all been there at some point. Fresh color, then it slowly starts to look more and more washed out. If you don’t want to have to rush back to the salon, we have an entire bundle dedicated to color-treated hair called the chemically treated bundle. This bundle is all about keeping the moisture while maintaining the color. The LENGTH₂O™ Aquaholic™ 5-in-1 Moisture Conditioner, Leave-In Conditioner, Shedavi Elixir, and Crowned Protein Masque are your best options for vibrant hair.


What other hair issues do you have questions about? Let us know in the comments so we can address them in the next blog!




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