Hello Aloe: Four Reasons You Should Be Using Aloe Vera
Time to put you onto a little free game ladies. You know how your skin is the largest organ in the body? Well, part of your skin includes…drum roll please…. your scalp! A lot of times, we get so caught up in taking care of our hair that we forget to nourish the thing that the hair is coming out of. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it can be a pain. But check this out: not taking care of that scalp is a sure-fire way to not have healthy hair. I want you to have healthy hair, sis, so let me let you in on the secret ingredient to keeping that scalp healthy: aloe vera.
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of this little plant. It can be grown at home, and its leaves produce a gel that has all kinds of medicinal purposes. You probably looking at the screen like, “Yeah, I heard all that, but what kind of benefits we talking about?” I got you. Keep reading!
Aloe Vera Benefit #1: Relieves burns and soothes the skin.
Aloe vera gel is great for those times when you hit that curling iron to the skin one too many times or get chemical burns from relaxers or perms. Think about when you go to get your brows waxed. You ever wonder why they put aloe vera on your skin afterward? It’s to soothe the irritation.
Aloe Vera Benefit #2: Helps with dandruff and itchy scalp
Most importantly, like with Shedavi products like the Shedavi Moisturizing Shampoo, aloe vera helps with dandruff and itchy scalp. Not only does it relieve dandruff from forming by keeping the scalp clean, but it also helps ease the itchiness.
Aloe Vera Benefit #3: Exfoliates follicles
Does this come as a surprise? Apparently, when used with certain shampoos and other hair products, aloe vera can exfoliate your follicles and make nasty dead skin cells disappear from your scalp. Once the dead skin cells disappear, there is more room for healthy hair to flourish.
Aloe Vera Benefit #4: Has a chemical similar to keratin
Here’s another one we bet you didn’t know! Aloe vera contains a chemical compound that has the same genetic makeup as keratin. We all know how fabulous keratin is for the hair (shine, elasticity, etc.), so of course, you want to use products containing ale vera that give you those same benefits.
So, are you convinced that you should be using aloe vera in your haircare routine? If so, we got you covered on where to start. Check out any of the products in our LENGTH₂O Moisture Duo. This gem has everything that you need to get all the promised benefits of aloe.
Do you use aloe vera in your haircare routine? Tell us about it in the comments!