How to Protective Style

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How to Protective Style

Summertime is right around the corner, and our bodies aren’t the only thing that we want to get right. Just like summer bodies are made early, so is our hair, sis. The best way to allow your hair to flourish is by putting your hair in a protective style. Protective styles come in many shapes and forms, and the whole purpose of having one is so that you can keep yourself from playing in your hair--allowing it to be free to grow steadily at its own rate. There are dozens of ways to do a protective style to your own hair, and we’re going to outline the most popular ways below.


Protective Style #1 Wigs

An increasingly popular protective style is wearing wigs. The pros of wearing wigs are that they’re simple to put on when you’re on the go, require little to no maintenance, and you can switch up your look every single day if you choose to. The biggest con to wearing wigs is that they can be just as easily taken off by people other than you. If you don’t secure it properly, one strong wind can have it waving at you down the street. Also, if your wigs are too tight or if you apply your lace glue incorrectly, you can cause hair loss around your edges. This is why we recommend glueless lace wigs and to keep your hair moisturized with Length2O Aquaholic 5-in-1 Moisture Conditioner and Hair Elixir to prevent dryness from your stocking cap. 


Protective Style #2 Braids

Braids are a stylish protective style that can come in many forms. Whether you do singles, feed-ins, or even micros, braids are a versatile protective style that’s great for helping you to leave your hair alone so that it can grow. On top of that, your scalp is easily exposed, allowing you to keep it oiled the entire duration of your style. The cons to having braids are that they can start to look old after only a few weeks, so it’s important to keep them cleansed, conditioned, moisturized and fresh as long as possible. Also, be sure that they are not installed too tight to cause breakage...especially along your edges. 



Protective Style #3 Sew-Ins

If you want a more permanent wig, then a sew-in is an excellent option for you. Sew-ins are a great protective style because your natural hair is all braided up under a cap. As long as your braids and stitches aren’t too tight, your hair is perfectly protected. The major con to sew-ins is the cursed itch. Be sure to proper cleanse, condition, moisturize and seal your scalp and braids weekly. 




Protective Style #4 Twist/Locs

Just like with braids, twists/locs are another one of the more versatile protective styles you can have. There tends to be less tension on the root, allowing your natural tresses to breathe effortlessly. If the wrong person installs them, your twists/locs may not last as long as you’d like. Also, the wrong brand of hair will have your head feeling heavy. If you choose this protective style, be selective about the type of hair you use to achieve your look. Also, ensure that your edges are left out.

With all your protective styles, you have to make sure that your natural hair is being tended to underneath. Use our Shedavi products like the Leave-In Conditioner & Elixir on your scalp and the hydrating mist on your hair to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy.

Dos and Don'ts of Wearing Braids Prev Post
Hair Freedom: Styles for Summer Adventures Next Post

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