From Boardroom to Brunch, Black Women Hairstyles Sure to IMPRESS!

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From Boardroom to Brunch, Black Women Hairstyles Sure to IMPRESS!

As women with jam packed calendars, sometimes doing our hair can feel like just another thing on our plate; but no matter how much we take on, we miraculously can do it all. A multitasking woman can come in many forms like a mom with a full time job, a business owner who is an integral member of several organizations, or a student working towards her dreams.

With all of our responsibilities, time can get away from us and sometimes we forget to take care of and focus on ourselves. To help with this, here are 5 black women hairstyles that are quick, easy, and perfect for the versatile woman with places to go, things to do, and people to see. On the plus side, they can all be done using the same Shedavi products you already love.

Laid Back but Still Chic : Braids & Buns

If you’re ripping and running all day from errands to lunch meetings this style is perfect for you. You’re able to keep your hair out of your face and way during your busy schedule. This is a cute twist on the usual braided hairstyles typically seen.

Step 1: Detangle with the Revitalizing Mist.

Step 2: Begin with a middle part, create two even sections at the front of your head by parting your hair vertically. Leaving three sections. Two small ones in front and one large section in back.

Step 3: Apply Wash + Go Gel to one of the front sections then create a single cornrow (braid) starting from the middle part and working your way down. Secure with a hair tie. Repeat on the remaining front section.

Step 4: Using a hair tie create a bun with the remaining back section of hair.

Step 5: Take one of the braids you created in the front and wrap into the bun, tucking the hair neatly into the hair tie. Repeat for the other section.

Optional: Add accessories like gold cuffs and slick your edges. 

Then enjoy your versatile braided hairstyle for the day!


Professional and Sophisticated but Never Uptight: Twist-Out

Doing a twist-out is such a stunning way to stretch your hair while still having curls. It involves twisting hair into sections and taking them down after a few hours or overnight revealing elongated and defined curls. This hairstyle works great for those with tighter curl patterns and can be accessorized with a headband or scarf. Perfect for a day at the office then grabbing a drink with friends after work.

Step 1: Shampoo, condition, and detangle with Length2O Aquaholic Moisture Shampoo + Conditioner Duo

Step 2: Taking small sections, apply Wash+ Go Gel to each section and twist hair using the two strand method until all of your hair is twisted. No need to have perfect sections!

Step 3: To maximize moisture and continue your hair growth journey, apply and massage Shedavi’s Hair & Scalp Growth Elixir into your scalp.

Step 4: Leave your twists in overnight or until completely dry. 

Step 5: Once completely dry, untwist and flaunt your gorgeous style!

Pro Tip: Apply Elixir to your hands before removing twists to fight frizz.


Fun, Glam and Noticeable : Blowout

If your hair can take the heat and you want to switch things up a bit, try a blowout. This involves stretching the hair with heat using tools such as a blowdryer, flatiron or hot comb. Perfect for your pitch meeting at 2pm and your dinner date at 7pm.

Step 1: Shampoo, condition, and detangle with Length2O Aquaholic Moisture Shampoo + Conditioner Duo.

Step 2: Apply a Revitalizing Mist and distribute throughout hair.

Step 3: Grab your desired blowout tool (It can be a one-step blowdrying brush or a blowdryer with thermal brush or comb attachment) and start with small sections doing passes until dry and stretched.

Step 4: Use a flatiron (or your tool of choice). Take small sections and glide tool from root to tip. Try to only do one pass on each section.

Step 5: To seal in moisture and continue your hair growth journey, apply Shedavi’s Hair & Scalp Growth Elixir to scalp and throughout hair.


Flirty and Fun : Braid & Curls

This brilliant duo of braids and curls, adds more personality to your defined curls. This look is simple with a fun and flirty vibe, and is excellent for work functions or any social event that requires some glam or dressing up!

Step 1: Dampen hair with water using your spray bottle.

Step 2: Part the front of the hair horizontally using a comb.

Step 3: Grab Shedavi’s Wash + Go Styling Gel and apply to the front section. Create a cornrow (braid) that starts from one ear and continues across the front of your hair like a headband. Braid to the end of the hair and secure with a hair tie.

Step 4: Smooth and define the loose back section of hair by applying more gel to your curls in downward motions.  

Step 5: Lastly, massage in Shedavi’s Hair & Scalp Growth Elixir and enjoy your cute braided look.


Keeping it Simple : High Bun

For the ladies constantly on the go but still want to look and feel their best, a high bun can be your go-to. This look is the most versatile of them all. From the gym to your desk, or errands to a PTA meeting, a high bun works in your favor keeping hair sleek and together while you check off everything on your to-do list.

Step 1: Apply and massage Shedavi’s Hair & Scalp Growth Elixir to your scalp

Step 2: Grab Shedavi’s Wash + Go Styling Gel and apply to the perimeter of your hair, brushing and slicking it into a high bun using a hair tie.

Pro Tip: Wet hair first for an even sleeker look.

Step 3: Finish slicking edges and wrap for a minimum of ten mins with a silk or satin wrap to help lay hair flat.

Step 4: Unwrap your hair and enjoy! 


We know it’s hard to keep up with what life throws at you, so we hope that these quick and easy black women hairstyles bring some simplicity and fun to your daily life!

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